Did you know that plants can be used to address wide spread, low levels of contamination. Chelates are used to enhance the phytoextraction of a number of metal contaminants including cd, cu, ni, pb, and zn. Mechanisms used to remediate soils contaminated by heavy metal are. The commercial value of metals such as ni, zn, cu or co may encourage the phytoremediation process. Develop a format that is accessible to epa and state regulators and others who need to evaluate alternate remedial technologies, as well as to site owners, project. Explore phytoremediation with free download of seminar report and ppt in pdf and doc format. Another benefit of phytoextraction is that it is less expensive than any other clean up. List of 10 plants used in phytoremediation health guide net. Plants used for phytoremediation in sustainable bioremediation treatmentcleanuprestoration projects to contain, degrade, or eliminate transient pollutionwaste andor onsite pollutiontoxins. Interest in phytoremediation as a method to solve environmental contamination has been growing rapidly in recent years. Phytoremediation is popular in theory due to its low establishment cost and relative simplicity.
In the present study, an attempt to have a comparative assessment of the efficiency of aquatic weeds like typha latifolia, eichhornia crassipes, salvinia molesta and pistia stratiotes to treat the effluents under laboratory conditions. A citizens guide to phytoremediation pdf file, 88 kb united states environmental protection agency, technology innovation office. Plant assisted bioremediation, sometimes referred to as a type of phytoremediation, involves the interaction of. Research focusing specifically on the phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Not aware of any trials with native aspen in uk but. A plant genetically modified that accumulates pb is especially promising for phytoremediation 2003. Plant roots take contaminants from the ground into the body of the plant. Pages in category phytoremediation plants the following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total. Because the plants used for phytoremediation now contain high levels of contaminants in their tissues, they have become harmful waste that need to be appropriately disposed of. Phytometabolism plants break down toxic material into nontoxic forms. Hence, the aims of the study were to determine the bioaccumulation capacity of e. After harvesting, biomass may be processed for extraction and recovery of metals phytomining.
Prominent among this class of explosives is rdx, currently, the most widely used explosive compound frequently used in explosive mixtures with tnt, rdx can be found in ordnance or land mines, as well as in the familiar plastic explosive, composition 4. Tertbutyl alcohol tba is the main metabolite or breakdown product of mtbe. Phytoremediation is the name given to a set of technologies that use different plants as a containment, destruction, or an extraction technique. Moreover, these physiochemical technologies used for soil remediation. Nitroamine compounds differ from nitroaromatics in that they contain nnitro groups. By introducing certain plant species into a drainage or ponding system, cdg has successfully applied phytoremediation solutions as a remedy for a polluted site. At metals contaminated sites, plants are used either to stabilise or remove the metals from the soil and ground water through mechanisms such as phytoextraction. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Also explore the seminar topics paper on phytoremediation with abstract or synopsis, documentation on advantages and disadvantages, base paper presentation slides for ieee final year chemical engineering chem or ieee chemical btech, be, mtech students for the year 2015 2016.
Therefore the testing of the plants used in phytoremediation is necessary and may support their continuous use in contaminated soils. It is a natural biological process of degradation of xenobiotic and recalcitrant compounds responsible for environmental pollution. This technology has been used for hundreds of years to treat human waste, re duce erosion, and protect water quality. The potential of phytoremediation with salix on pyrite ash from. Phytoremediation is a general term used to clean up contaminants using plants, or remediate sites by removing pollutants from soil and water chandra shekar et al 2003. Phytoremediation of copper contaminated water using. Plants in phytoremediation work on concentrating specific elements, how do we dispose them safely after the remediation process. Hence the objective of this study is to determine the phytoremediation potential of water hyacinth. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our cookie policy. Phytoremediation seminar report, ppt, pdf for chemical. Pdf phytoremediation and plantassisted bioremediation in soil.
Growing and, in some cases, harvesting plants on a contaminated site as a remediation method is an aesthetically. The uptake, accumulation and degradation of contaminants vary from plant to plant. Importance of phytoremediation phytoremediation is special application of bioremediation. Phytoextraction removes metals or organics from soils by accumulating them in the biomass of plants. Algae are also effective for phytoremediation of metals, for example, charaphytes like chara aculeolata and nitella opaca can be used to remove cadmium, lead, and zinc sooksawat et al. Phytoremediation protecting the environment with plants when dealing with a site contaminated by organic or inorganic substances, traditional methods of site remediation often involve. Alternatively, thermal, physical, chemical or microbiological processes can be used to reduce the volume weight of biomass. This research investigated the possibility of achieving soil cleanup using native plants that also provided aboveground benefits, including wildlife habitat. The primer presents some of the advantages and technical. A plant genetically modified that accumulates pb is. Phytoremediation resource guide pdf 56 pp, 436 k, 1999, 542b.
We bridge the gap between these disciplines by describing project development, clone selection, tree establishment, and evaluation of success metrics in the context of their importance to utilizing trees for phytoremediation. The goal of this report is to examine four ecotypes of vetiver grass including, songkla3, sri lanka, kamphaeng phet2 and surat thani for their ability to grow in soil contaminated with tce and to investigate phytoremediation efficiency of songkla3 and sri lanka. Phytoremediation the most important single act of phytoremediation. Use of brassica plants in the phytoremediation and. As international journal of molecular sciences has. Some plants are able to extract and concentrate particular elements from the environment, thereby offering a permanent means of. Phytoremediation is the natural ability of certain plants to bioaccumulate, degrade, or render harmless contaminants in soils, water, or air.
Phytoremediation is a general term for several ways in which plants are used to remediate sites by removing pollutants from soil and water. The major problem of environmental concern, facing kano. A good example is provided by boraphech, suksabye, kulinfra, konsang, and thiravetyan 2016 who used the popular plant sansevieria spp. You may need a pdf reader to view some of the files on this page. Phytoremediation can be used to decontaminate large areas without damaging the land. Phytodegradation, or phytotransformation, is the use of plants to uptake, store and degrade organic pollutants. Full utilization of plant resources after they have been used for phytoremediation is an unsolved problem. The cleanup technology is defined as the use of green plants to remove, contain, or render harmless such environmental contaminants as heavy metals, trace elements, organic compounds, and radioactive compounds in soil or water. For a long time, the only way of doing this was incineration. Phytoremediation, the use of green plants to treat and control wastes in water, soil, and air, is an important part of the new field of ecological engineering. It includes festuca arundinacea, apocynum cannabinum, and salix viminalis.
Phytoremediation of lead in residential soils in dorchester, ma lead paint was widely used until 1978. Little molecular understanding of plant activities critical to phytoremediation has been achieved, but recent progress in characterizing fe, cd and zn uptake by arabidopsis and yeast mutants indicates strategies for developing transgenic improved phytoremediation cultivars for commercial use. Growing and, in some cases, harvesting plants on a contaminated site as a remediation method is an aesthetically pleasing, solarenergy driven, passive technique that can be used to clean up sites with shallow. Compared to other methods used to remove toxic substances from soils, phytoremediation is often less expensive, although it may take a long time. Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with metals and. It also provides a brief summary of phytoremediation. In situ and ex situ applications are governed by site soil and water characteristics, nutrient sustainability, meteorology, hydrology, feasible ecosystems, and contaminant. Among the selected species, chara aculeolata showed a better performance by 95 % metal reduction as compared to nitella opaca.
In the 1990s, there were several companies working with phytoremediation, including phytotech, phytoworks, and earthcare. Study on application of phytoremediation technology in. Phytoremediation is also a potentially profitable technology as the resulting biomass can be used for heat and energy production in specialized facilities. Pdf phytoremediation is a technology that is based on the combined action of. Tba is a less widely used gasoline additive, but can also be introduced into gasoline as an impurity in commercialgrade mtbe deeb, scow, and alvarezcohen, 2000. Phytoremediation may be applied to polluted soil or static water environment. Phytoremediation refers to the use of plants to remove pollutants from soil and groundwater, or to assist in the degradation of contaminants to a less toxic form. Lead is highly toxic and can cause neurological problems. Phytoremediation involves growing plants in a contaminated matrix. Phytoremediation is being evaluated at a variety of sites and on myriad contaminants to determine the conditions under which phytoremediation systems are effective in reducing contamination.
Phytoextraction uses hyperaccumulating plants, like common sunflowers, to take up and store pollutants in stems, roots, and leaves the most frequent method. Assisting phytoremediation of heavy metals using chemical. Phytoremediation is an environmentally friendly, safe and cheap technique used to eliminate pollutants from an environment. Traditional methods which are used for cleaning up heavy metal contaminated soil disrupt soil structure and reduce soil productivity, whereas phytoextraction can clean up the soil without causing any kind of harm to soil quality. There are three types of phytoremediation processes, including. Among these, phytoextraction is one of the promising techniques being used for reclaiming the metal polluted soils 1. Phytoremediation processes rely on the ability of plants to take up andor metabolize pollutants to less toxic substances. Some recommended plants which are commonly used in phytoremediation and their. Phytoremediation of heavy metals from industrial effluent. What is the fate of plants used in phytoremediation.
Phytoremediation is the direct use of living plants for in situ remediation of contaminated soil, sludges, sediments, and ground water through contaminant. The aim of the experiment was to identify and genetically modify a. Here is a list of 10 plants used in phytoremediation. Aspen in phytoremediation aspen represent optimal plants for absorption, accumulation, storage, and degradation of environmental pollutants such as heavy metals, mercury, pcbs, nitrates, pesticide and herbicide residues, aromatics, wood preservatives, explosives and other wasteproducts. Performance of aquatic plant species for phytoremediation. Plants are used either to remove or to stabilize hold in place pollution in the soil. Phytoremediation techniques in wastewater treatment. The ultimate goal is to use plants to reduce the risk of human exposure. Phytoremediation of indoor air also opens up new possibilities for human wellbeing. The plants used in phytoremediation are generally selected on the basis of their growth rate and. Nowadays, however, this biomass is increasingly used to produce heat and electricity. Phytoremediation mechanisms of heavy metal contaminated. Finally, a matrix is provided to allow easy screening of the abstracted references.
Some algae are characterized by fast growth rate which is an advantage for phytoremediation, but there are also some factors which may limit the. In zinc and lead mines typha latifolia and phragmites australis have been successfully used for phytoremediation in china ye et al. Phytoremediation is a green emerging technology used to remove pollutants from environment components. The use of plants in conjunction with plant associated bacteria rhizosphere or. Other large companies such as chevron and dupont were also developing phytoremediation technologies. Research is underway to understand the role of phytoremediation to remediate perchlorate, a contaminant that has been shown to be persistent in surface and. Phytoremediation is used for the remediation of metals, radionuclides, pesticides, explosives, fuels, volatile organic compounds vocs and semivolatile organic compounds svocs. Plants can degrade organic pollutants or contain and stabilize metal contaminants by acting as filters or traps. Phytoremediation is the use of plants to improve degraded environments. Phytoremediation is the direct use of living plants for in situ remediation of contaminated soil, sludges, sediments, and ground water through contaminant removal, degradation, or containment. Phytoremediation is an emerging cleanup technology for contaminated soils, groundwater, and wastewater that is both lowtech and lowcost. Examples where phytoremediation has been used successfully include the restoration of abandoned metal mine workings, and sites where polychlorinated biphenyls have been dumped during manufacture and mitigation of ongoing coal mine discharges reducing the impact of contaminants in soils, water, or air.
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